It is with gratitude and excitement that we announce that SERniña (by REALgirl) is one of Novo's newest partners. This grant, which will be awarded over three years, will allow SERniña (by REALgirl) to continue to offer its life-changing empowerment programs to over 300 youth each year. It will also allow us to continue to grow by providing more long-term support to our participants through our new leadership programs. We are honored to be recognized and to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Novo Foundation, an international leader in advancing the rights of girls. |
In NoVo's own words: “We believe every girl is born empowered. Together, we can dismantle the structures that prevent a girl from exercising that power, leaving her without an education, vulnerable to violence, and lacking access to opportunities. We invest in girls because they deserve better.”
At SERniña, we want to help raise Guatemala from its position as 119th out of 188 countries in gender equality, by addressing locally relevant issues such as human rights awareness, self-esteem and personal agency development, goal setting, development of healthy relationships, overcoming gender roles, and providing information and access to menstrual and reproductive services.
This transformative investment from the Novo Foundation will allow us to continue to work on reaching our organizational goals:
- Reach over 300 students each year
- Lower rates of teen pregnancy
- Lower drop-out rates for teen girls
- Raise overall self-esteem, self-value and personal agency among teen girls
- Include boys in the creation of gender-equal communities
- Inspire girls and boys to develop the skills, confidence and knowledge needed to create positive change in their lives and communities
Do you want to be part of changing the path for young girls in Guatemala? Click here to learn about our Sponsorship and Donation Options.